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Consultations & Services

About In-Office Consultations

Cathy Walker Breastmilk Drips Icon

Office Address:

Cathy Walker, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant

1200 High Ridge Road in Stamford, CT


What to expect at an Office Lactation Consultation: 

  • A thorough health history of the mother and baby and prior breastfeeding/lactation experiences.​​

  • I will evaluate the breastfeeding relationship and address your concerns and questions. Education related to breastfeeding and handling breastfeeding challenges will be covered.

  • A breastfeeding specific exam of lactating parent and assessment of the baby/babies is included.

  • A pre-breastfeeding weight of your baby and a post-breastfeeding weight are included to evaluate adequate transfer of breast milk.

  • An observation of a complete breastfeeding session.

  • A breastfeeding care plan will be developed with your input and goals.

  • If applicable, a bottle feeding session will be evaluated with recommendations for improved bottle skills. 

  • A written summary of my evaluation and care plan is provided with written recommendations. 

  • Collaboration with health care providers involved in your care.


What to expect at an Office Bottle Feeding Skills Consultation:​

  • Help choose an appropriate bottle/nipple for your baby.

  • Assist with teaching bottle skills.

  • Teach methods that protect breastfeeding and bottle-feeding skills.

  • If you are struggling with bottle refusal, I can't make your baby take a bottle but I can help discover why your baby is challenged with this skill and give you a plan to make progress 

  • This includes an evaluation of your baby, an oral exam, feeding observation, and action steps recommendations.

  • A summary of my evaluation and care plan is provided with written recommendations. 

  • Collaboration with health care providers involved in your care.


What to bring!

  • Bring your baby.

  • Bring your pump and all its parts & power cable.

  • Bring a bottle of pumped milk or formula if you have been having difficulty nursing.

  • Any additional items that have been helpful to you such as nipple shields, cups, etc.

  • There is room for a stroller in my office (use the handicapped entrance on the right side of the building.)

  • I have regular pillows and boppy pillows for your use.

  • If you plan to breastfeed at the visit, please don't feed your baby 1 1/2 hr to 2 hours before your appointment. If your baby is hungry as you are about to leave home, breastfeed briefly or give a small amount of milk so that your baby is not too unsettled.

  • ​If you are scheduled for bottle feeding struggles or bottle refusal, please bring your baby well-rested and fed.

About Office Bottle-Feeding Skills Consultations

Cathy Walker Breastmilk Drips Icon

What to expect at an Office Bottle Feeding Skills Consultation:​

  • Help choose an appropriate bottle/nipple for your baby.

  • Assist with teaching bottle skills.

  • Teach methods that protect breastfeeding and bottle-feeding skills.

  • If you are struggling with bottle refusal, I can't make your baby take a bottle but I can help discover why your baby is challenged with this skill and give you a plan to make progress.

  • This includes an evaluation of your baby, an oral exam, feeding observation, and action steps recommendations.

  • A summary of my evaluation and care plan is provided with written recommendations. 

  • Collaboration with health care providers involved in your care.

About In-Home Consultations

​I provide Lactation services and education in the comfort of your home, serving lower Fairfield County, CT, Westchester County, NY, and the Lower Hudson Valley. 


What can you expect during your In-Home Consult?
​​Home visits include everything that you experience in an office visit in the comfort of your own home. 

How to prepare for your In-Home consult?

Preparing for a visit in your home shouldn't be stressful. Most likely you have a new baby, and the last thing you need to worry about is "tidying up"! A few things, though, can make the visit smoother for all... Adequate lighting helps me to examine how the baby is feeding and complete an oral exam. I might use a penlight or a headlamp to check the baby's mouth to assist my visualization.

Please attempt to feed your baby approximately two to two and a half hours before the consult so that your baby will be interested in feeding but not unsettled. If your baby is getting hungry close to my arrival time, nurse briefly or give a small amount of milk from a bottle.

Please identify a table or counter that we can use to place my scale. The scale measures 16 inches by 23.6 inches. (This does not have to be in the same room as we meet) 


Please ensure that there is a chair or couch I can use in the room that we are working in.

I am a huge animal lover but​ a stranger working closely with their new baby can be stressful for them. I require animals to be located in separate room from our consultation for safety purposes.

Client Stories

newborn baby

~ Jordan

"Cathy has been a great help for us during the journey into parenthood. We met with her before our baby was born and felt so informed at the hospital about hand expressing, the nurses were all so impressed. Since coming home with our new born Cathy has been a supportive resource helping us set plans, give tips and guidance to help with latching issues, and any other questions we have she is available. Because we can't meet face to face we have had all virtual consultations which has been great to get help when our family can't be here."
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